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email marketing design

5 min read

Higher Logic Thrive Marketing Lookbook

Tags: Marketing and Communications

Engaging Email Design Improves Engagement

Whether you’re sending a one-off email, or putting together an automated campaign, email design is a critical component of effective communication in the digital age. A well-crafted email serves as the initial gateway to engaging your members and ideally leaves a lasting impression that reflects your brand identity. Clear, aesthetically pleasing layouts enhance readability, ensuring that your message is easily understood. Thoughtful design also contributes to higher engagement rates, increased click-throughs, and ultimately, better conversion outcomes.

We’ve incorporated successful email design elements – based on almost 20 years of experience in the association industry – into our Higher Logic Thrive Marketing platform to help you easily create beautiful, effective emails.

Below, our team of designers picked out some favorites to give you inspiration for your own messages. These emails, created by or for customers with Higher Logic Thrive, span across campaign types, from a monthly newsletter to event registration.

Seasonal Invitation


Eye-catching color scheme ties in with a clear call to action to engage audience.

seasonal email invitation
event promotion email with alternating layout

Event Promotion: Mobile-Friendly Alternating Layout


Alternating layout maintains interest on desktop and stacks flawlessly on mobile.

Event Promotion: Bright Design and Clear Branding


Bright colors and strong shapes tie together content and branding.

bright colored event promotion email
monthly news email

Monthly News


Plenty of white space helps separate stories for easy reading, keeping recipients engaged.

1 x 2 Layout


Blocks of color and text blend image and color to create a cohesive, simple design.

email layout with tall header
calendar email layout

Calendar Layout


Simple list display of events with clear separation between each item makes this template easy to edit and easy to read.



Clear hierarchy of information using color, size, and white space in multiple sections ensures concise communication.

calendar email layout
calendar email layout

Weekly Digest


Short and simple layout conveys a clear main story and two secondary stories, centered on a bright call-to-action so the audience knows where to go next.



Decorative images give context to the message in a clean, attractive way.

calendar email layout
woman excited about email design

See What Higher Logic Thrive Can Do

You can use Higher Logic Thrive to easily create email designs like these. And if you’re looking for a special design or strategic guidance, we can help with that, too! We’ve worked with hundreds of customers to launch engaging and successful marketing automation programs and online communities.